Posted by: Morris Brothers Music | 22/10/2009

Anna’s trip to Tokyo!

It’s time for a post not neccesarily related to the store or music, but more related to Morris Brothers staff member, Anna!!

Three weeks ago I was hanging out with one of my best friends Drew, in Tokyo! In true Anna style, I decided to go at the last minute when Drew invited me to come over and hang out with him. Luckily, I was allowed time off ( Thank you Mark). I’m so glad I decided to go. Tokyo is an incredible city.

Here are some reasons why Tokyo is Awesome:

* The train system is incredible. There is a train at least 2, 5 or 10 minutes away all the time! There are so many train lines, it’s incredible. It’s pretty daunting at first, but you do come to understand how it all works. People are really quiet on the trains, and are always playing on their mobile phones. Salary men ( Business men) seem to always be catching up on well needed sleep while on the train.

* Japanese people are so kind and polite. They are constantly saying please and thank you, and bow all the time. It is so cool.  A few times when I went into a department store , the sales person came out from behind the counter and bowed when i left. Also,  if you ask for directions, they will make it their mission to get you to where you’re going, and if they can’t they apologise profusely.

* The Music scene there is incredible. I went out clubbing, and it was one of the best experiences I’ve had in my life. People absolutely love and know their house and disco music so well. They all know the words, sing along, dance and are just having so much fun. They are there purely for the music, and it creates the best vibe and atmosphere.  Very cool! International Bands, and D.J’s who are quite underground, are there every weekend and playing to packed crowds!

* They have the coolest stuff at convenience stores, which are open 24/7, and are on every single corner on every single street. They sell the best bakery sweets. Things like little sweet buns with Melon flavour inside and chocolate scrolls, and cool tirramasu type desserts. You can buy essentially, an alcoholic cocktail in a can, or any beer at any time of the day or night, as well as hot or cold coffee or tea sold in cans. Sushi triangles are really yummy too! Everything is pretty cheap too. I discovered plum wine when I was there too, which is really sweet and strong. I can only really have one glass at a time ha ha!

* For so many people, and massive amounts of packaging ( They like to wrap and package everything so beautifully) the city is always clean. I don’t think I ever saw one scrap of rubbish ever. Try and find a bin out in public though…they don’t exist.

* The fashion is incredible! It is a true past time to go shopping in Japan. Department stores are open till 10 or 11 every single night, and the shops and streets are always packed till late. Girls really love fashion there, and I went to a store in Shibuya called 109, which had 9 levels of girls fashion. Each level had about 7 stores to look at. I think I went a little nuts after going in there. They had every type of fashion style available. Cute, elegant, punk, rock, hippy, american hip hop style,pretty…everything!! Girls really know how to dress, and go to all lengths to look good. Coming back to Australia, you notice that we are quite  conservative in how we dress. Over there you always see people wearing cool hats, lots of accessories, and just generally looking pretty out there but still great. Even the guys take the time to look cool.

* I saw a store, next to a guitar store, which I think was something like 3 levels, dedicated to Ukuleles!

* I ended up at this random kids Pokemon tournament with Pikachu mascots walking around, and got my photo taken with one. I felt like I was 5. It was great!

Here are a few photos from my Trip:

Don't get lost...

Don't get lost...

Music store near Asakusabashi, Tokyo.

Music store near Asakusabashi, Tokyo.

Ukulele store in Shibuya, Tokyo

Ukulele store in Shibuya, Tokyo



Disk Union Record store in Shibuya

Disk Union Record store in Shibuya

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